San Francisco, CA, Christmas time 2011. Time flew fast.
Performing Light Calligraphy* at a “legendary” ‘beat’ cafe with an Italian Volcano name.
Rough treatment from a barista with hatred in his eyes**.
I found the place to be slightly…pretentious. I could be wrong.
All you need is you***, for your Creativity to sprout, grow, blossom. You don’t need other people’s permission, nor to inhale the same air as a known writer****.
And might add, haters ain’t got enough power to diminish your Creativity.
Conflict, difficulty, discouragement – all can work for you as fertilizers.
*Use my camera as a calligraphy brush, at long exposure with my eyes closed.
**Trip advisor reviews had told me I wasn’t the only one on the receiving end of unwarranted animosity. At least he was straight forward about how he felt, which I can appreciate.
***Nice to have support/encouragement/comrades but. When you got you first and foremost, other people can be who they need to be.
****Altho I understand – e.g. people were nicer to me at West Hollywood Barney’s Beanery as I, a youngster, sat there inhaling Janis Joplin particles.
I flew back on ANA, a fancy alternative offered for a missed flight, on which I found an infinite wisdom:
Good Times Fly.
– ANA Coffee Creamer
Text added at 19:20 JST on Dec 13, 2024.