Store Policy


Thank you for visiting this page.

Listed here are some things need mentioned.

I will try to make it short, clear and pleasant as possible but.

If you have questions / suggestions / requests, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Digital Books


Content(s) of the books (e.g. images, texts) are, unless otherwise noted, original work of Yuko Nagai and protected under copyright laws.
They are offered for your personal enjoyment only. Please do not re-sell, re-use, share nor gift.

Detailed Explanations

Below are the examples of what rights do come with your purchase, and what do not.

Please Do:

– go ahead and print your copy out for yourself.
– download on any and all of your devices.
– add modifications for personal use (e.g. adjust image brightness for printing*).
– share, with credit, on social media sites the smaller / lower quality of image(s) (e.g. screenshots) / text excerpt from the book.
– (hope you will) enjoy.

And Please Do Not:

– use contents in my book(s) or the book itself commercially.
– share image file(s) of the book(s), digital (original size) or printed, at such places as on social media, at gallery shows, either with credit, without credit, or as your own.
– quote texts without credit, or as your own.
– give away copies (digital or printed).
– incorporate whole or part of images without my permission into materials, such as flyers, your artworks (e.g. collages) either commercially or non-commercially.

*One thing about printing:

Images are edited to be viewed on monitors. If printed as is, they will most likely be much darker and less vivid on paper, and colors may differ from what is on the screen.
I recommend preparing images for printing by lowering the brightness of your monitor possibly as much as half the way down, and adjust the image(s) to the desired level of brightness.

Important Note on Refunds

For digital books, sales are final (no refunds / exchanges). Please be sure to ask me any and all questions before you make the purchase.

Payment Process

…is handled by a service called Gumroad.

Upon your purchase, on the back end of my store (where you will be thanked profusely without your knowledge) I will find, and proceed to store privately:

your name / e-mail / mailing address ( if applicable ) as you typed.
I will not have access to your credit card number.

The Privacy Policy for Gumroad is compiled by me right now. Please allow a bit of time.

Last modified:
July 31, 2020